The contract term is one calendar month. You can cancel your subscription at any time without penalty. Payment for the contract term of one calendar month is due at the beginning of the term.
If you take on more pet sitters, your subscription will be adjusted accordingly based on how many people have been assigned services.
You can take advantage of discounted subscription fees by applying to join the Affiliate Program.
You only pay for staff that are active. For example, you could have 50 sitters registered with your business but if only 10 have work scheduled in any given billing cycle then you only pay for 10. You don't pay for Admin staff if they don't have work scheduled to them.
Pet Sitter Plus is a cloud based software application and cannot be downloaded. There is no option to purchase Pet Sitter Plus outright other than to subscribe to use it monthly. It is not available on download, CD or DVD and cannot be purchased from high street stores.
You can pay for your subscription using a valid credit or debit card. At the end of any free trial period (during which you can cancel at any time without penalty) you will receive an invoice from us, showing all the charges (in advance) for the new contract period of one calendar month. We will already have processed your payment so the invoice you receive will have been paid.
If you don’t pay we will write to you asking if you want to continue with your subscription. If we don’t hear from you within 10 days your database will be taken offline and you will no longer have access to it. Your access will be restored immediately on receipt of payment of your subscription.
Every client has access to the full version of our software including all available features. The only additional fees you may incur include merchant account fees (if you take payment from your clients via Stripe with credit or debit cards or PayPal). We sometimes make a small charge for data import services if very complex.
You can take advantage of discounted subscription fees by applying to join the Affiliate Program.
All initial product coaching and overview sessions are absolutely free or charge.
We have made pet sitting administration as simple as it can be, however pet sitting administration, especially the management of client charges is often complex and you may need some extra training to help you get set up.
If you need additional staff coaching for your team at a later date, we may make a small charge to cover these sessions.